Sunday, October 25, 2015

Night Life in Thimphu

pic credit:- Google
Thimphu, capital of Bhutan is not a 24x7 city like NYC or Tokyo but when it comes to night life in Bhutan it have its own part. Night life in Bhutan is not so same to that of in NYC or Korean or Japan but you have to experience something different, different that is not similar to that of in other countries.

We can find discotheques, pubs and bar, karaoke to drayangs. Lets see what we have for nightlife in Thimphu.
Club Ace is one of the most happening clubs in Thimphu. Pumped with electronic music and young locals, this place is known for great music and neon lighting. You won’t run into too many travelers here, but if you’re in for a night to check out how locals hit the town in Bhutan, this is the right spot.

Clubbing in Space 34.
Pic credit-: Google
Space 34 is where you can dance your butt off in casual gear, with a slew of young locals. It’s clear that what they want is a mixture of: American pop music, hip-hop, Indian Bollywood remixes, house and R&B. Space 34 is getting bigger, as the crowd is growing larger each year. Let loose, bust out some moves to your favorite tunes! Space 34 expanded and it renovated to a whole new look after losing some of it's clients to Viva City but that didn't stop them and was success in bringing in their old clients as well whole lot of newer clients to enjoy to the tune of the musics that space 34 play.
Personally for me I prefer space 34 for clubbing. It is different and feels like I am having a different vibe every night.Whenever I am stressed from work I find myself in Space 34 with cool lot of friends. I would recommend Space 34 :D

Mojo park where the younger generation in Bhutan, especially in Thimphu is truly opening themselves to creative outlets that are considered more Westernized. And the proof of this change can be seen in places like Mojo park known for a loungey vibe that is frequently hosting live music nights, which is extremely popular with the bar’s regulars! 
I have never been to Mojo park but this is one place that I want to save for the best. I feel if I go to this place I wouldn't want to go to other country for travel. Let me refrain myself but if you ever come to Bhutan you should visit it.

Clubbing in Bhutan is restricted to Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. I will drop here but if you like to know more please do comment below and I will write more about Night Life in Bhutan

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